
Westinghouse Memorial
The Memorial Story
Westinghouse Legacy
George Westinghouse died in 1914. Sixteen
years later, some 55,000 workers at his former firms decided they wanted to
do something to honor him. To that end, the employees chipped in to erect a
monument in Pittsburgh, the heart of Westinghouse’s indus trial empire.
$200,000 ($2,500,000 in today’s dollars) was raised. The project took five
years to complete. The Westinghouse Memorial is located in Schenley Park,
not far from the campus of Carnegie Mellon University.
Architects Henry
Hornbostel and
Eric Fisher Wood designed the monument and the surrounding landscape,
including the pond, trees, and location of black granite benches. Hornbostel
designed more than 225 buildings, bridges, and monuments in the United
States: 110 of which are in the Pittsburgh area. Significant ones nearby
include Rodef
Shalom Temple,
Soldiers and Sailors National Military Museum and Memorial,
Carnegie Mellon College of Fine Arts, and the initial campus design of
Carnegie Mellon University. Wood, in addition to being an architect and
civil engineer, was an officer in the U.S. Army during both World War I and
II, retiring with the rank of Brigadier General. Wood was one of the key
founders of the American Legion veterans' organization.
The organizers chose sculptor
Daniel Chester
French, perhaps the most famous sculptor of all time, who also created
the statue in the Lincoln Memorial, to design the sculptures, including a
statue titled “The Spirit of American Youth,” a snapshot of a young man
taking inspiration from the life of Westinghouse. Critics have called this
bronze sculpture “the finest portrayal of American boyhood,” The monument is
a beautiful allegory. An all-American boy (surely one of French’s best
works) stands in the prow of a boat, his hat in one hand and books in the
other, and learns about the incredible accomplishments of the genius
Westinghouse, opened up in front of him like a scroll. You can read the
wonder on his face, and in the careless way he crumples his hat, as if he
had completely forgotten it was in his hand. His sweater is pushed up from
all that absentminded fiddling with the hat. The message is clear: future
generations will judge Westinghouse by his fruits, and they will be
The center portion of the monument depicts Westinghouse between a mechanic
and an engineer, with the surrounding panels created by sculptor
Paul Fjelde
illustrating Westinghouse’s achievements. All the bronze figures and reliefs
were originally covered in gold leaf, but the work of vandals forced the
removal of the gold leaf in 1941.
Few venture behind the Westinghouse Memorial, but a special reward awaits
those who do. Instead of a blank wall, the reliefs are as detailed as the
ones in front,
seemingly portraying the aesthetic legitimacy that the monument must have a
logical foundation to back up the front truths.
Masaniello Piccirilli’s name is included as
one of the sculpture artists on the back of the Westinghouse Memorial, along
with Daniel Chester French and Paul Fjelde.
The Piccirilli Family, father and six sons, were renowned marble carvers and
sculptors who carved a large number of the most significant marble
sculptures in the United States, including Daniel Chester French’s colossal
Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial.
At that time, most prominent sculptors would create their original work in
clay. From that clay model a caster would generate a plaster model. The
model would then be sent to the Piccirilli Brothers who would carve it from
stone, typically marble, although limestone and granite were also used. The
brothers became the carvers of choice for a large number of American
sculptors of the time including Daniel Chester French.
When the Piccirilli Brothers studio closed it doors, no move was made to
secure their records, so the accounts of much of what they had accomplished
was lost.
What part of the Memorial work was performed by Piccirilli in not yet known.
The Dedication Plaque located on the back side reads:
This memorial unveiled October 6, 1930, in
honor of George Westinghouse is an enduring testimonial to the esteem,
affection and loyalty of 60,000 employees of the great industrial
organizations of which he was the founder. In his later years rightly called
“The Greatest Living Engineer”, George Westinghouse accomplished much of
first importance to mankind through his ingenuity, persistence, courage,
integrity and leadership. By the invention of the air brake and of automatic
signaling devices, he led the world in the development of appliances for the
promotion of speed, safety and economy of transportation. By his early
vision of the value the alternating current electric system, he brought
about a revolution in the transmission of electric power. His achievements
were great, his energy and enthusiasm boundless, and his character beyond
reproach; a shining mark for the guidance and encouragement of American
On dedication day, nearly 15,000 people
crowded the memorial site to hear the speeches and bands that were part of
the festivities. A lavish banquet for the movers and shakers who came to
honor Westinghouse was held the night before at the William Penn Hotel.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described the scene for a Page 1
story in the Oct. 7, 1930, issue:
On the eighty-fourth anniversary of the
inventor's birth, the nations of the world joined hands in extolling the
character of the man who had rendered an "inestimable service to mankind and
whose contributions to industry played so large a part in the progress of
An admiring crowd that began to gather in the
park during the early afternoon grew to immense proportions before the
program was started and stretched far out over the adjoining hillsides with
thousands content to stand through the proceedings.
The keynote speaker was James Frances Burke, general counsel of the
Republican National Committee:
It was he who first made safety the
handmaiden of speed. It was he who was a leader in multiplying the world's
motive power on land and sea. It was he who brightened the pathway and
lightened the burden of God's children as they toiled and traveled on their
never-ending journey down the ages.
After Burke's address, the unveiling took
place to the accompaniment of the combined Westinghouse bands, and the
Westinghouse and Union Switch and Signal Company employee choruses sang the
“Star Spangled Banner” and “America.” The Right Rev. Alexander Mann, bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, gave the invocation.
The Press also set the scene in a Page 2 feature:
Men from workshops which rest their
foundations on the inventive genius of Westinghouse joined with leaders
assembled from throughout the nation in dedicating the George Westinghouse
Memorial in Schenley Park yesterday.
U.S. Rep. James M. Beck of Philadelphia said:
George Westinghouse was a master builder of this economic nation, which is
more truly represented by the genius ability of this country than the
documents of all its lawyers,” and Pittsburgh mayor Charles H. Kline said:
“Time may cause this memorial to decay, but when a thousand years have
passed, the readers of history will find still brilliant the name of George
In a statement sent by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon to be read at the
ceremony, he wrote, "George Westinghouse earned an important and permanent
place in history by his many contributions to the advancement of
This was the lead of the story that was buried inside the Hearst-owned
Industrial giants of many nations paid
tribute yesterday to the memory of a boy who toyed with trinkets -- to
George Westinghouse, who gave the world 400 inventions and almost
single-handed revolutionized modern mechanics.
In a supposedly exclusive column for the
Sun-Tribune, but which bears the name of the McClure Newspaper Syndicate,
former president
Calvin Coolidge wrote from Boston:
George Westinghouse had that combination
which is so rare of both inventive and business genius. Because he lived,
industrial life is more human, more safe and more productive. He ranks as
one of the great benefactors of mankind.
After years of planning, fundraising, and
restoration, the George Westinghouse Memorial in Schenley Park was
re-dedicated on October 6, 2016 at a special “Birthday Party” celebration
for the genius inventor. But for many of those in attendance it was also a
chance to pay their respects to a man whose influence touched their lives,
or their parents’ or grandparents’ lives. It was also a chance for
Westinghouse family members to reunite at the home of their famous ancestor
and witness the affection that is still felt for this man more than a
hundred years after his passing.
Dignitaries who spoke at the Ceremony included: Meg Cheever, Pittsburgh
Parks Conservancy; Guy Costa, Mayor’s Office; Sylvia Fields, Eaton Hall
Foundation; Ray Betler, Wabtec; David Howell, Westinghouse Electric Company;
and George Westinghouse IV. The Mayor’s Proclamation was read, declaring
October 6, 2016 as George Westinghouse Day.
David Howell commented: “Seeing the Memorial restored to a true work of art
made me reflect on the meaning of the monument. I felt the same awe and
admiration that the sculptor captured in the face of the young boy as he
read George Westinghouse’s accomplishments listed on the bronze panels. I
was humbled by the statues of the mechanic and the engineer, reminding
visitors of their dedication to their beloved “Uncle George.” Above all, I
was reminded of the immense pride I feel each and every day I come to work.
I have spent the entirety of my professional career as a Westinghouse
employee, and am fortunate enough to have both of my daughters join me here
in this distinguished company. My family continues to be inspired by George
Westinghouse’s achievements, as do so many others across the globe.
Earlier, I had the pleasure of meeting Mernie Berger, a 93-year old
Pittsburgh resident who, even in her advanced years, returned to the
Memorial to honor the late innovator. Her story is an amazing one indeed. On
a warm October day back in 1930, when she was just seven years old, Mernie’s
father – employed as an electrical engineer for Westinghouse at the time –
brought Mernie and her sister to the original monument dedication. She
recalled how proud her father was as the landmark was erected, and the
palpable emotion in the air as they celebrated alongside the thousands of
Westinghouse employees who gathered to honor the legacy of George
It’s these types of stories that inspire me to come to work each and every
day. The Westinghouse legacy continues to inspire and encourage us to
challenge the norms. To see both old and new generations carry on the memory
of George Westinghouse and his legacy of improving lives around the world is
inspiring and invigorating.”
Other special guests at the ceremony were Some 16 direct descendants of
George Westinghouse who traveled into Pittsburgh for a “family reunion” that
was primarily centered the Memorial Rededication Ceremony, along with visits
to Wilmerding, East Pittsburgh, and Point Breeze which was organized by
Westinghouse SURE. The Family members were very moved by all the events and
the warm Pittsburgh hospitality.